Katie Spencer & Calum Gilligan Double Header
Thursday 21 November, 7.15pm
*please note this is a rescheduled date. Original tickets remain valid.
Rising stars of the UK Folk Scene, Katie Spencer and Calum Gilligan join forces for an intimate evening of folk music
Raised in the East Yorkshire flatlands on the fringes of Hull, Katie Spencer’s landscape has always been that of open skies and widening rivers. Industry still shapes the city here. The people, as with the land, are moulded by tides and stark horizons. Stand in the same place for long enough and you can watch the sun rise over the North Sea and then sink into crop fields, glowing auburn in late-summer sun. It is this sense of space and movement that flows through Katie Spencer’s music.
Born in rural Galloway in Scotland, and now residing in Liverpool, Calum Gilligan has made large strides in the British Folk Scene in recent years. His self-penned songs often reflect a longing for the wild beauty of his childhood home, as well as taking us with him on his journey through parenthood, life, love and loss. Emotionally charged and earnestly delivered, there is rarely a dry eye at one of his live shows.
Support TBA.
All tickets £15.
Doors open 6.30pm.
Please note, our museum galleries are closed during events.